About Us

HomesintheUS.com Where the World goes to search Homes in The United States. is a national referral and property listing website which allows property sellers(real estate agents/loan officer and builders) an opportunity to advertise to millions of potential buyers via the internet. This is a very simple process and takes about 5 minutes!


How do I receive a referral?
To receive a referral, you must be a member. Once you have created your account, you are visible to all agents searching in your service area. They will either call or e mail you. I suggest to everyone not to rely solely on e mail, but also to call the agent you are sending a referral to. So check your e mails. To maximize your chance for a referral, make sure to be on the first page in the city you service.
How do I send a referral?
To send a referral, simply go to the homepage, select a State, select a city, and hit "search for Find Agents". You will see all agents in the city you wish to refer a client too. You can then call as many of them as you want to find the agent that is the best fit for your clients. Once you agree to work with an agent, either fill out your companies referral agreement, or use our complimentary form on the homepage of our site. Fill in the referral percentage the agent you are sending a referral to advertised to pay you, along with all other information on the form and either fax or e mail the form to the agent.